Tuesday, May 18, 2010

★★SHILLS超炫光B.B.Cream無瑕霜 (Product Code: BB004)★

Price: RM50.00 include postage if purchase more than RM50

Package Include:
SHILLS 超炫光 B.B 無瑕霜-開韓國女星化妝包內的素顏武器!
Oil control, moisturizer, smoothing skin and smooth out uneven pores.

完美裸妝呈現無化妝感-微亮的發光粒子完美服貼於肌膚,膚質即刻變得輕盈透亮,低刺激性即使敏感肌、任何膚質皆可輕薄完妝,只要一瓶 隔離、潤色、修護、保濕、遮瑕,全完成,彷彿如影隨形隱形蘋果光,淡淡清新綠茶香氛,天天透出自然薄透超完美糖瓷素顏美肌。

主成分:銀杏、甘草、維他命C 、綠茶、玻尿酸、荷荷巴精華。

Usage 使用方法:
1> Can be used as UV protects cream, concealer and foundation.
2> Apply on face and neck after normal daily face protection routine.
1. Only for external use. Avoid the eyes and the surrounding areas of mouth and nose.
2. Please stop using if any swelling and severe redness and itching occurs. Consult a doctor immediately.
3. Do not use it if your skin is sunburn or peeled, damaged and inflamed with wounds.
4. Store it at dry and cool place. Keep away from direct sunlight.

注意 ※ BB霜屬彩妝品,不論白天或晚上都請卸妝。
Notice: BB cream is a makeup product, please remove it with makeup remover regardless of day or night.

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